During this period, flower budding and cocoon development starts on cotton plant.
In cotton production, it is necessary to monitor plant growth and development from the earliest stage in order to determine the correctness, application sequence, quantity and time of cultural processes to be applied. In order to obtain high yields from a cotton field, the balance between vegetative and generative growth must be preserved. For this purpose, the vegetative growth between early combing and early flowering periods should be higher than that of the vegetative growing after the first flowers are opened. Monitoring plant growth allows for timely implementation of applications (such as plant growth regulator applications, changes in irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer applications) to increase or decrease vegetative growth.
Plant height: The main branch length in cotton growing is the generally observed measure. Plant height is an important criterion when some decisions are made in the aquaculture. Generally, height is maximum in the shortest time after the first blooming or blossoming. Approximately 2.54 cm per day in this period is the upper limit of the appropriate development rate. If this distance is greater than the stated value, it may be beneficial to use plant growth regulators in farming (as in the case of Pix Mepiquat chloride ).
Main branching: The development of main branching becomes the maximum for the first blossoming in the near future. A new node will occur on the main branch every 2.5-3 days. In total approximately every 40-50 valence day-night temperature increase - the beginning of the cotton plant water stress and carbohydrate ratio to seriously affect the development of nodes on the main branch, although there is no serious effects later.
Knuckles on white flowers: The number of knots on white flowers (BICP) is the measure of plant growth and earlyness, indicating the number of knots on the primordial white flower at the top of the plant. During early flowering, the number of nodes on the white flower should be 8-9. When the cotton plant starts to bloom first, there are 10 or more nodes on the white flower, the development and growing conditions are good; If it is below 8, it indicates stress conditions. Generally, the number of BÇÜB is reduced by 1 every 8 days. In this period, the carbohydrates produced by the leaves are consumed by developing kozalar, leaves and new vegetative growth points according to priority order.
Bottom of the first five fruiting branch ratio: Season of the state of the bottom of the first five fruit branches where shorter and plant 3-8 pearl fruit branches in places where there is a long season is the efficiency of the main determinants and the green parts development is very important. The ratio of the first five fruit to the bottom of the first fruit helps to make the decision to use pix (mepiquat chloride). Use of plant growth regulators alone is not recommended in the development of green parts if the ratio determined in the first 5 fruit subspecies is below 60%.
If this ratio is close to 100%, then the cocoons in the plant are controlled.
Ratio of the first 5 fruit branches from the top: This represents the first position of the flower on top of the first five fruit spots at the top of the cotton plant. At the top of the cotton plant usually there is some physical effect on the flowering of the flower buds (cards) that have recently been on the first flower. If the flowering of the flower buds (combs) is high (20% excess), the reason should be investigated. If this ratio is 20%, it may lead to loss of cocoon in the future, which is not suitable for control of development. Carbohydrate competition between cocoon and flower buds (combs) will cause flower buds to fall out.
Maximum node spacing: This distance is the distance between the fourth and fifth node from the top of the plant. This distance also best describes the relationship between carbohydrate requirement and presence. After the first flowers Volumes greater than the approximately 7,62cm development is fast and should be checked. If this distance is less than 5 cm, development should be normal and the cause should be investigated.
Determination of fiber quality: With the development of cotton fibers, the fiber cells on the seed coat also start to stretch and prolong. These cells begin to bloom on days, lasting for 3 weeks continuously. Any stress during this time will reduce fiber length. Cellulose is stored on the sides of the cotton fiber every day for the following 3 weeks. Stress in the second week of fiber development reduces fiber quality. The fact that the amount of fiber is low is generally related to the year of planting and the environment. The high degree of fiber grain is only related to varieties.
Observation of the cotton plant, to reach the right information and to interpret the development is done with the result of accurate observations in the aquaculture. The values that are considered together with the first flower in cotton cultivation and its effects on aquaculture decisions:
İlk çiçek dönemi ölçümleri | Ölçümlerde görülen | Ölçümlerde görülmeyen |
Bikti boyu | İlk çiçek açımında 71 cm daha fazla | 60 cm den daha kısa |
Gelişme oranı | Gün başına 2,5 cm den daha fazla | Gün başına 1,7 cm den daha az |
Ana dal boğumları | Boğum başna 3 güden daha az daha fazla gelişim oranı | Boğum başına 3 güden |
Maksimum boğum arası mesafesi | Boğum başına 7,6 cm den daha fazla | Boğum başına 5 cm den daha az |
Yeşil aksam boğumları | 7 den daha fazla | 5,5 den daha az |
Alttan ilk 5 meyve dalı üzerindeki çiçeklenme oranı | %60dan daha düşük | %90 dan daha fazla |
Üstten ilk 5 meyve dalı üzerindeki çiçeklenme oranı | %80 den daha düşük | ölçülmez |
İlk çiçek açımında ilk beyaz çiçeğin üzerindeki boğum sayısı | 8,5 den daha fazla | 7 den daha az |
Hava durumu | bulutlu/yağmurlu | güneşli/sıcak |
Su ihtiyacı | fazla | az |
Use of Plant Growth Regulators; Cotton yield potential is dependent on the rate of attrition of the fruits of the lower fruit branches in the primary state. Unless a cultural process is applied to protect this cocoon, they can be poured out due to insect damage and physiological stress. In fact, cotton, a perennial plant, has been transformed into a single annual plant with various breeding studies. However, there is a genotypic tendency towards perennial growth. For this reason, in the regions where it grows, it wants to fill the period between the last and the first frosts, forming more branches, leaves and flowers. This tendency is encouraged by increased fertilization in irrigated agriculture and it is more affected by the existing pests in the area, especially winds, rain, etc. which are formed towards the end of the growing season. can cause damage to the environment.
BGD (plant growth regulators) are chemicals that alter the metabolism of gibberellic acid (GA) in plants. Because GA plays a role in cell growth, BGD administration reduces the number of nodes and knuckles, narrows the leaf area and shortens the plant height. This type of plant structure allows the formation of a dry and airy microcirculation at the bottom of the plants by increasing the air circulation and light penetration between the plants, thereby reducing the decaying of the cocoon, increasing the effect of pesticide applications and increasing the efficiency of the machine harvest. It also encourages early childhood as BGDs increase early bud and cocoa enthusiasm.
Fertilization: The correct calculation of the fertilizer requirement of the cotton plant can be done by leaf sampling. If the conditions are normal, some results can be difficult to explain. We look at pre-season division to determine fertilizer requests.
Nitrogen: During the flowering period nitrogen is an important source of nitrogen and the nitrogen in the soil is sufficient and taken up by the plant to obtain high yield. Strongly growing varieties have the ability to develop more green features than other varieties. For this reason, a strict nitrogen application is required. Fertilization in cotton cultivation is generally carried out in the form of top fertilizers before sowing and before sowing. The use of fertilizers containing two or more of the plant nutrients in the base fertilization is common practice and with a certain amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are all given. The remaining amount of nitrogen is given as the top fertilizer before the 1st and 2nd irrigation.
Nitrogenous fertilizers are more susceptible to cotton planting at certain intervals (divided) during the flowering period.
Potassium: After the first bloom, the cotton plant needs a considerable amount of potassium. Potassium needs become even more important during this time than nitrogen needs. From the first flower opening, potassium is critical for cocoon structure. It acts directly on potassium cocoon ratio stored in the petals. If the cocoon loss is seen towards the end of the season in Tarlada; petals must be tested to determine the lack of potassium or other nutrients.
Irrigation: Cotton is a plant that physiologically indicates the need for irrigation. Cotton varieties cultivated in Turkey has red-green body color. This color change in the body physiologically indicates the water demand of cotton. If cotton main stem (body) is green, irrigation is unnecessary. Redness body moves upward thirsty plant downstream of the plant. When the body is 7-9 cm closer to the red hills of cotton it means thirsty and need to be watered.
Irrigation can delay the loss of moisture in the plant, thus controlling the water and the use of plant growth regulators at the end of the season to ensure mature crops at harvest.
Insect control: Priority for cotton growers. The use of new chemicals at the threshold value is an effective way of producing cotton.
Yeşilkurt, Pembekurt, Striped Cotton Leaf Wreath (Prodenya), Cotton Leaf Wreath (Karadrina) and Barbed Wolf: Wolf presence can be seen from early bloom until the end of the season. The wolf population is most common during maturation of the cards. The maximum wolf damage is also in this period. In later periods, they also damage by drilling the cocoons.
Early Absorbent Insects, Whitefly, Empoacea and Flower trysis cause severe loss of yield throughout the flowering. It is important for this reason. These harmful effects must be observed and controlled successfully.
Cocoon decay is among the damages concerned. Cocoon decay is generally caused by high humidity, humid environmental conditions, excessive plant height, excessive pest damage, excessively dense sowing of the plant and the poor development of the plant. Controlled irrigation, fertilization as well as the use of the plant development regulators can prove effective in preventing decay. There is no specific medicine to prevent cocoon decay.
Microorganisms causing cocoon decay;
Fusarium spp .; Some species of Fusarium spp. Exhibit first damage on petals around the cocoon 35 days old or older. The infection then continues to the leaf of the cocoon base towards the cocoon wall. After the blue-black around the color cocoon, the color turns towards brown. The surface of the cocoon turns from the soman pink to the bosai.
Diplodia spp .; This fungus is also visible on the petals. Moisture will be effective. Rapid spreading is possible.
Giomerella gosspii .; This fungus also brings red coffee spots on the cocoon surface.
Xanthomonas spp .; The same organism causes bacterial mold and angular leaf blotches cause symptoms on the cocoon surface, dark green areas, bright smooth areas everywhere including the environment.
Rhizoctonia spp .; Rhizoctonia spp., Which is very common, such as seedling pests. causing the cocoon decay on the petals further down. High humidity causes the bacteria to move upwards.
Alternaria spp .; This causes the fungus to stain the leaf. The high humidity and the undercurrents are more affected in the field.