Making the early period is one of the most important tasks to determine the plant density in the field. There are different methods to determine the plant density in the field. One of these methods is to determine the number of plants in a metric. Then use the table above to reach the number of plants in the park.
Practically, the plant density in the field is calculated as follows; The order is measured between 0.75 m. ; The distance above is measured, for example 0.15 m .; These two values are multiplied and the number of plants in 1 m2 is found (0,75 X 0,15 = 0.1125). The number found is divided by 1 decare to 1000 m2 (1000 / 0.1125 = 8889 plants / decare).
The important thing is that the planting is done correctly and smoothly.
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Development of the plant: Depending on the daytime temperature, the development of the cotton plant varies from field to field. For this, it is desirable to record temperature differences day and night. The temperature difference between day and night is calculated by the following formula.
Day / night temperature difference (DD15,5s) = (maximum temperature + minimum temperature / 2) - 15.5
The formula becomes correct when the minimum temperature value is 15.5 C higher.
This formula is not used if the minimum temperature is below this value.
Root development: For the intake of water and fertilizers, the development of the roots of the cotton plant is very important. Some factors influence the development of the roots of the cotton plant. These;
Sowing status: Poor root development caused by cold damage is caused by many probing during the season. The most important of these is the loss of efficiency.
Water and fertilizers: Water and fertilizers encourage root development. Extreme water and fertilizers have negative effects on root development.
Soil structure: Soil structure is primarily responsible for the root development of the cotton plant.
Oxygen: Oxygen found in soil is essential for root development. For the intake of oxygen in the root zone, drainage of the soil water well is required.
pH: Soil pH is affected by the development of cotton plant. The pH of the roots should normally be between 5.5 and 8 for development.
Balanced development: If the cotton plant is grown down and in the above-mentioned parts, the development is balanced.The root / seedling ratio differs at different developmental periods due to environmental conditions.Root / seedling development is accompanied by the influence of moisture and fertilizers. Sprouts require constant carbohydrates to develop root. Root development reaches the maximum length to the first flower.
There is a simple way to determine whether development is normal while walking in the field;
If the end of the season is correct (if 17-18 nodes are formed), the fourth and fifth nodes are 7,62 cm or 4 fingers.
Development of fruit ducks: The number of nodes on the first fruit duck will be less in low plant density. High plant density, abnormal hot weather, extreme cold, and insect damage create more nodes than 3 nodes on the first fruit branch. After the flowering of the cotton plant begins, the newest fruit branches will be the flowering fruit branches. Every 50 days, every day or night, the temperature difference will increase by 50. If the weather is hot, a fruit drop will occur every 1.5 days. When the cotton plant enters the cocoon maturation period, the formation of the fruit dough ends.
The formation and proportion of flower buds: Flower buds (combs) begin to form in the plant after the sum of the daytime temperature differences in the cotton plant exceeds the value of 350-400 (this value is about 30-45 days). These buds (combs) will form a cocoon in the future. Flower buds (calligraphies) are generally defined by their size.
Examples are collective needle heads, match heads, small, medium and large.
The first 10 fruits are counted in order to determine the fruit rate of the cotton plant. The sum of the fruits (sum of flowers buds, open flowers and cocks) is determined by dividing by the number of fruits formed. This process should be done in at least 20 plants in cotton field and should be determined as%.
It is stated that the lack of carbohydrate is inadequate towards the end of flowering (about two weeks after flowering), which will adversely affect the plant's holding of cocoon. It also affects the rate of flower buds (combs). Cloudy weather to occur during the flowering period, too early to bloom, cold and drought stress causes the flower buds to fall out. If temperature, cloudy weather or humidity is not effective for pouring of flower buds (combs), insects are shown as the reason of casting.
Use of plant growth regulators: Plant growth regulators used in cotton plant are sold under different trade marks. It helps control the development of the plant.There are many effects of plant growth regulators on the development and upbringing of cotton plants. The most important effects are;
Early plant growth regulators are more effective than more doses in the future.
Experts recommend dosing 100 g (10 ppm) of plant growth regulator application for cotton plants at the beginning of flowering (when 5-6 flowers of 10 m. Consult the expert. Attention, Plant growth regulators may give different results to cotton grown in different soil types.
Fertilization: Manufacturers often use before and Fertilizers Nitrogenous Fertilizer Volumes flowers. The most fertilizer requirement of cotton plant is the formation of flower buds (combs), the development of flowers and cocoons. It is recommended to apply the second fertilizer application if possible. Varieties have different fertilizer needs. Cukurova region in the fertilization of cotton plant 16-20 kg pure. nitrogen and 5 kg. phosphorus. Phosphorus Complete (5 kg.) P205, Nitrogen 5 kg. It should be given before sowing as base fertilizer.
The amount of the remaining nitrogen is 11-15 kg. pure nitrogen, given before the first irrigation, divided or 1 time. Prior to flowering, the nitrate-nitrogen level in the petals of the petal may affect the plant due to soil temperature. Cotton plants benefit from the nitrogen in the soil up to the beginning of flowering and this amount is not enough until the end of flowering.
Irrigation: The need for water is very important during the next 30 days after sowing when the development of cotton is minimum. Then the need for water increases rapidly to the angle of the peak flower. The water stress that occurs before the blossoming causes the development of the green parts and the flowering of the flower buds (combs).