When cotton is a perennial growth feature and climatic conditions allow it, farmers can also extend the vegetation period of the pomu by erroneous practices (such as late irrigation, which is said to be effective when opening cotton cocoons), to give leaf fertilization to aggravate cones. As cotton tends to form new leaves, combs, flowers and cocoons under conditions where the temperature does not fall below 15 ° C, fertilizer and water given to the plant towards the end of the growing season encourage regrowth in cotton. In contrast to this, premature cutting of the last irrigation water to prepare the cotton swab early results in loss of yield.
The development of the new node stops with the development of the cut-out. When the number of knots on white flowers (PCA) is less than five, development is halting. As the blossom approaches the upper part of the plant, photosynthesis decreases because the protein and chlorophyll density in the leaves fall. The plant tries to spend all its energy for cocoon development in this period. For this reason, with this approach of turning the cotton plant, young kozarlar small combs and many leaves on the bottom of the plant are falling. The persistence of vegetative development and the pouring of the leaves in the lower parts of the plant encourage fast cocoon opening and reduce the loss caused by cocoon rot. Therefore, it is useful as long as the stopping of development does not come to the early spring and cause loss of yield.
There are different methods in determining the time of defoliation. One of these is to specify the number of nodes (ÇKÜB) on the cracked cocoon.
The number of knots on the cracked cocoon is important in determining the time for leaf ripening. The maturity of the cocks on the fruit branches can be evaluated according to the position of the knuckle. Number of nodes (ÇKÜB) on the cracked cocoon - If there are 4 nodes (to the top fruit branch where the plant is the last node of the plant), application of leaf puffer can be done. In these conditions, fiber yield and quality are not affected by the application of the foliar application. If the number of nodes is over 4, the application time can be determined by counting 3-4 days for each node.
Sharp Knife Method,
The other method of determining the defoliating time is by cutting the cuts with a sharp knife. Cocoon maturity can be decided in this way. The blade does not encounter any resistance while the raw cocoons are cut. The cocoon is cut as easily as the cucumber is cut. It can be seen that the sawdust and the fibers are not ripe when you look at the cut koz. The mature cocoon is encountered with resistance when cut. Since the shells of the birds are relatively mature, the knife is sharp, even if hardly cut. Judging from the cut kozan, it is noticed that the brown walls of the çigit walls are brown, and the fibers contain water and begin to decompose. The forward mature cocoon is difficult to cut with a knife. When looking at the cut koze, the çigit walls are blackened, the fibers are separated, and the drying is noticeable. Mature cocoon time is based on deciduous leaves. If there are several figs on the mature cocoon, the application time is determined by counting 3-4 days for each knot or fruit. Determination of harvest time with these methods helps to improve quality and yield.
With the widespread use of machine harvesting in our country, the importance of leafing and cocooning in cotton farming has increased. In general, we can summarize the benefits as follows..
Leaf and cocoon release chemicals increase the effectiveness of the harvesting machine, preventing the cotton fiber from dyeing the leaf.
Cotton foliar; Growth factors such as variety, temperature, humidity (soil and air), soil fertility, irrigation, fertilization, sowing density, diseases and pests, weed control and land leveling (homogeneity of the fields) and plant growth, plants and chemistry affecting the chemical uptake in the leaf under the influence of plant factors such as activity in plants.